Sunday, August 31, 2014

Gravity Tree @ Beats Music

Those who have been paying attention have already noticed a Beats Music logo on the links page on this site...So the story goes like this:

Beats Music Gravity Tree were on a site called MOG, and had all the currently released music up there. One day recently that changed: MOG was taken over by the company that runs Beats Music; in an unexpected twist, they decided to keep all of this #ProgRock noise online. Does that mean Gravity Tree is trendy?

The main Gravity Tree page on Beats Music:

...and the short url:

A short url for Ultimate Backward on Beats:

BTW our earlier album Life or Dessert? is getting pretty hard to find as it is out-of-print, so while you may not be able to buy a CD, you can still download it, or now go to Beats and listen.

Here is the short url for Life or Dessert? at Beats:

More new places to find Gravity Tree music will post soon...

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