Sunday, June 2, 2019

Amazon Music Unlimited

First, we are finally back, composing (and blogging) after a lengthy hiatus. We will be updating all our sites in the coming weeks (which all look like they were last coded in the '90's) and will be sending out emails to those on our list to better detail our status, as well as maintaining a more current blog here. Meanwhile...

Our albums Ultimate Backward and Life or Dessert? as well as our single release Building, are now available on Amazon's streaming service, Amazon Music Unlimited.

New music is also underway and a timetable will be forthcoming.
Thank you for continuing to listen!


Mike said...

Update? Whats going on Fellas?

GravityDrmmr said...

Hey Mike - we weren't sure anyone was still checking the blog so just feeling things out. Will update this weekend.